Okay, so back to party planning. This week, I got the following done:
1. Finalized and reserved the rentals.
2. Confirmed the face painter (still waiting on her contract).
3. Made and addressed all of the invitations (photo to follow).
4. Finished up the art supply bags and frames for Masterpieces (photo to follow). The bags include a 4x6 sheet of heavy drawing paper and a set of colored pencils. On party day, there will be twistable crayons, rainbow crayons and watercolors available for the girls to use as well.
5. Finished up the passport printing and cutting (need to add the clip and ribbon lanyards).
6. Tried a Pinterest project and created a ribbon welcome wreath for the front door (photo to follow).
7. Bagged the Bling bracelet pieces and finished the box bottoms (still need to cut, score and glue the tops).
8. And the black berets arrived...YEAH! I need to think of a cute label to add to these.
I would love to have everything made a week in advance so all that I have to worry about on party week is the food and things that I cannot make ahead. As I said before, I am personalizing a lot of stuff, so having the guest list finalized was a must. I am adding personal labels as I work on projects and if someone cannot make it, I am going to pull her items and simply send them to her. This makes life SOOO much easier than waiting on RSVP's.
So, here are a few pictures! I got a new camera but am still am amateur photographer :( That is just not my gift and I am SOOO okay with that!

You constantly amaze me with your incredible party planning skills! The party is going to be awesome!
Everything is beautiful!!! This party is going to be really special and the cinnamon roll cake sounds delish :)
@Melanie...you are SOOO sweet! I am enjoying this and the fact that I am doing a little bit at a time. My goal is to have some days off from crafting for a week before the party...I will still have a cake to make on Saturday night :)
@Angela...thank you love!!! She is so excited when I share pieces of the party with her and is thrilled to see her friends names now that she can read :) And the cinnamon roll cake is addictive...get ready!!!
Wow... This is going to be the best five year old party EVER (and how is she turning five already???)
@Mary, probably not the best one ever, but we will let Kayden believe that at least :) And yes...the time does fly TOO fast! This is the last official party until age 10, so this will be it for a while!!! And tonight she reminded me about cupcakes for her class...GEEZ!!!
These came out really nice!
I love the girly colors of course! The wreath is a nice touch as well. This is going to be another great birthday party for Kayden. I can't believe another birthday is here and she will be 5. I am so sure that she will enjoy this girly party. I can't wait to see the birthday pictures.
I am so behind with everyone's blog and blogging myself. I know that you would have emailed the finished results if I didn't pay a visit here! I am in birthday party designing mode as well, hence, the absence from the blog. I am excited about how she is going to react for this party since she is a big girl now!
These are amazing! Seriously! What are you going to do when the girl turns 16 lol?!? Doesn't look like you need my help at all! I could've never come up with any of this. (My services are still available though :))
@Kristy...thank you love!!! I cannot wait to see what Bryce has this year and I am still waiting to see the pictures from b-day #2 :) Time flies SOOOO quickly...I remember the day that we got the call that she was on her way to Raleigh...our sweet baby girl!
@Kristyn...thank you as well and so nice of you to stop by and leave a comment! For her 16th birthday, we plan to take Kayden and her BFF (probably my niece Lauryn) on a trip somewhere...if she will go for that! And thank you for offering your help...I think I have the perfect favor to ask of you :)
And Kristyn, the nice thing is that I can design and print this stuff myself which saves us A LOT of money!!! Otherwise, she would have a party with her favorite characters with supplies from Party City. Heck, I would even splurge and order her something nice offline :)
Ahhhh...It is going to be fabulous! Five is an exciting age! Significant!
You know that I totally agree with you on designing and printing our own stuff. It saves a ton of money and we can actually put a little bit towards other things for the party with saving on designing and print costs.
Counting down to Kayden's party! I promise to have the pictures loaded this week! I promise!
I love the stuff you have made for the party. I am sure she will think it is the best ever. God knew what he was doing when he blessed you with a beautiful baby girl.
@Kristy...where ate those pictures ***hand on hip***. I know that you are busy! I don't have long now...can't wait!!!!
@Carly...what a sweet, sweet comment....thank you love! It is so funny but I NEVER in a million years pictured myself with a daughter. But here I am almost five years later and I cannot imagine my life without my sweet girl! God always knows JUST what we need!!!
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