So, I wanted to share my WONDERFUL Christmas gifties from my dear friends Mary and Mel. The theme this year seemed to be stuff for the kitchen and let me just say that I am already putting the gifties to good use. Mary sent me some HAND embroidered kitchen towels...did I say HAND embroidered. They are beautiful and what craftsmanship!

Mel sent me quilted pot holders complete with grommets....don't those require a special tool to set?!?!?!? Anywho, I cannot decide what I love most....the black and white kitchen appliance fabric or the CUTE, CUTE, CUTE custom labels.

For the girls, I created felt iPad covers. And let me just say that those things gave me a darn fit...a serious fit! In the end, I was able to get the edges sewn on my machine and in the mail in time for Christmas.
So next on my agenda is Kayden's 5th birthday party. The date has been set for February 12th and my goal is to do one thing a day to prepare for the party. I have completed a number of tasks but there is still a ways to go. My plan is to get photos of my daily party projects to share with you all here.
Today, I focused on items for Masterpieces, the art store. I added labels to the colored pencils, cut the paper into 5x7 sheets and put all of the items into clear bags. Once Kayden, YES Kayden, finalizes the guest list, I will go ahead and make custom labels for each of the girls. I have been doing research on 5 year old parties and apparently at this age, they LOVE to see their names on stuff that belongs to them :) I need to try and get some photos up this week :)
Have a great night!
Cute handmade Christmas gifts!
Oh, the party planning....(sigh)...!! Yes, little girls love seeing their names!
I have been working on finalizing a few things for my little man's party. I started with a list back in the fall and just looked at the typed out list and sites/stores that I need to follow up with ordering a few items so that things are not being ordered/shipped all at the last minute. Time flies and it will be here before we know it. I need to post last years party pictures and invites up first!
Enjoy your final details. You are getting down the last few weeks now. I am sure that everything is in order! Enjoy.
Glad you like the gifts :) Yes, the grommets required a special tool and it was VERY easy to use. I was a little worried that I would completely mess up the potholders, but after a practice run on a scrap, I realized there was nothing to worry about.
Can't wait to see more details about the party!
@Kristy, thank you for the sweet compliment. Everything that I have to do for the party now are details...this will be the last one for a while, so I want to enjoy the process. I definitely need to get the rentals finalized this DH is shaking his head :)
@Mel, great work on the holders and grommets...and thank you for using a special tool for me :)
I LOVE my ipad holder :) How did you know I needed a new one? And I am so glad you like the towels ;) I can't wait to see more about K's party. I think it is going to be * the * social event of the year!
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